We all know millions of kids and adults are afraid of
clowns. But not all clowns are evil or scary, right? Some people really do
enjoy clowns and the humorous entertainment they provide! Well, we're going to
stop you right there, because there's nothing funny about the clown costumes we
have at When you see these clowns, you don't laugh — you
We carry a truly terrifying selection of evil clown costumes
including zombie clowns, the classic Pierrot (one of the oldest evil clowns in
existence), Captain Spaulding from Rob Zombie's films House of 1000 Corpses and The
Devil's Rejects, and of course the most famous evil clown of all time:
Pennywise, from Stephen King's It!
These are full-body clown costumes including the mask and
the whole outfit, so dressing up as an evil clown this Halloween has never been
easier. Take a look and feel free to contact us at if you
have questions!